Saturday, August 8, 2009

Playing Dead

The taxi drove away while she looked through her purse for her keys.

A tall man grabbed her from behind, wrapped a huge hand over her mouth to muffle her screams and dragged her into the nearby bushes. She fought and kicked like hell but he easily overpowered her. He threw her down on her back, pinned her arms and used his knee to spread her legs. He pushed her scarf deep into her mouth. She kept kicking, trying to scream, trying to breath, trying to break loose.

But something was wrong. She didn't know what. It was only later that she realized that it was because he'd been taking too long. He should already have been inside her.

She opened her eyes. He was looking down at her with a sadistic smile. She understood. Her kicking and screaming, her powerlessness, her fear, her pain was turning him on.

She went limp and played dead, leaving only her eyes open to watch him like a zombie.

It infuriated him. He started slapping her and hollered, "You bitch!"

Lights went on and windows opened in the nearby apartments. He slapped her once more hard and ran off.

The last slap did him in. He cut his hand on her teeth and left his DNA on her clothing. It was his third offense. He hadn't even gotten off but they still gave him life.

She realized how lucky she'd been. She took self-defense courses and always carried one of those knives with a concealed blade that pops straight out of the handle.

"Next asshole who tries to rape me," she said, "gets it cut off."

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